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updated sun 11 jul 04


flat rock clay on thu 11 sep 03

Howdy everyone,
Flat Rock Studio Clay Supplies in the beautiful city of Fayetteville,
Arkansas has announced the Fall Workshop Schedule.

Extruding with Mark Epstein of Dallas on Sept 27 & 28 with a free slide show
on the 26th at 7 pm. $215.

Printing on Clay with Kelley Wilks of Fayetteville on Oct 25 & 26 with a
free slide show the 24th at 7 pm. $145 before 10-3 / $165 after.

You can contact FRSCS at 479-521-3181 between 11a -5p Tu-Fri and Sat 9-noon
central if you have further questions. Flat Rock Studio Clay Supplies, 21 E
Spring St (before Sept 19th), 2002 S School Ave.(after Sept 26),
Fayetteville, AR, 72701. Mail checks to Flat Rock Studio, P.O. Box 1642,
Fayetteville, AR 72702. After the first of Oct the web page should be up
at so please come visit. Thank you, Kelley

flatrockclay on sat 10 jul 04

Gary Huntoon Workshop -
with FREE SLIDE SHOW July 16th
$175 for workshop and space is still available.
call Flat Rock Clay 479-521-3181 for more info and to register.
Short Bio: I have been working in clay over 35 years and I'm still
excited about it, I have way too many ideas and things to make than I have
the time to make them. I was a pre-med major in college in Calif and I took
a clay class one summer so I could be with my girlfriend, but, as soon as I
touched the clay I knew that I had to work in clay. Spent several semesters
handbuilding (making doorstops), when my teacher told me I should go and
study with Marguerite Wildenhain at Pond Farm, so I wrote her a letter, was
accepted in her summer '62' class. Spent 10 weeks at Pond Farm, plus a few
extra months up there. Learned to throw on the wheel there, threw very
heavy and bad pots but loved the wheel. Left Pond Farm, went back to school
to study pre-med, but almost flunked out of school because I was in the pot
shop all the time. Dropped out of school in '63' moved to Texas and worked
with a potter in San Antonio named John Swiss Porter. Several years later
went back to school at U of T in Austin, studied with Ishmael Soto who
really helped me find my voice in clay. He was a pretty remarkable teacher
and person. Left Austin, moved to Houston and started teaching parttime at
the museum school there. Later taught at the High School of Performing and
Visual arts, University of St Thomas and University of Houston. While
teaching part-time, ran my studio making functional pots, working mostly
with porcelain, firing to c10. Sold my work mostly through craft shows,
traveled all over the US doing the craft shows. Stayed in Houston for 25
yrs, moved to Dallas in '91' felt there was a much more viable craft climate
here than in Houston; I made the correct move. My work now is more
handbuilt than wheel thrown, my thrown pieces are cut and altered and put
together. I am also going more into a sculptural theme with my work, totems
and such.
Flat Rock Studio Clay Supplies & Gallery
2002 S School, Fayetteville, AR 72701

Thirty spokes are made one by holes in a hub
By vacancies joining them for a wheel's use;
The use of clay in molding pitchers
Comes from the hollow of its absence;
Doors, windows, in a house
Are used for their emptiness;
Thus we are helped by what is not
To use what is.
11 - Lao Tzu