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need chinese caligraphy / sumi-e workshop

updated mon 15 sep 03


Jerry Dean on fri 12 sep 03

Hi All.......I'm looking for some help finding a Chinese Calligraphy
workshop or a Sumi-e brushstroke workshop, hopefully some time this Fall. While I
love painting on my pots, my brushstrokes need some improvement. Thanks J

Robert Huskey on sun 14 sep 03

While a workshop would be of some use , and inspiring ; there is no
substitute for practice. See if you can find a Sumi-e class in your local
Get some roll ends from the local newspaper and some books . Practice,
practice , practice. Here are some web sites .

have fun painting , Bob Huskey

> Hi All.......I'm looking for some help finding a Chinese Calligraphy
> workshop or a Sumi-e brushstroke workshop, hopefully some time this Fall.
While I
> love painting on my pots, my brushstrokes need some improvement. Thanks J

May Luk on sun 14 sep 03

Hi J;

In New York City;

The Chinese cultural center in China Town /Tribeca gives Saturday classes;
On Broadway and one block below Canal, past citibank. (Master calligrapher,
sipping hot tea all day)

There's a Japanese Sumi-e workshop in SoHo; South east corner of Houston and
Macdugoul (or Sullivan, don't remember)

In London, UK;

SOAS: The School Of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Russell Square

The Mary Ward Center in Holborn

In the states, if you go to a chinese book stores in China Town, they sell
VCD of calligraphy and chinese painting instructions for 6 bucks a piece
[and tai chi and martial art, even table tennis] . This would be good for
superficial learning, very superficial indeed because it would be in
Mandarin!! You really need to have a teacher to show you how to hold the
brush properly. I learnt to hold the brush for a month before I was allowed
to write characters.

Best Regards
London UK