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kodak discontinues slide projectors - data storage and retrieval...

updated fri 19 sep 03


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on thu 18 sep 03

Hi John,

I remember when I was still watching the tee-vee in the
mid-latter '90s, and saw some programme as dwelt a little on
how poor ol' uncle scam was a sufferin' something terrible,
spending great dough and tech on trying to save and manage
and re-do endless wharehouses of earlier electronicly stored
information. Lots of which it turns out was deteriorating a
little from having sat...

I recon they're still at it..moreso than ever in fact...and
then some.

I grabbed a hanky to dab the corner of my eye...


Las Vegas

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Baymore"

Archival record keeping in the arts is becoming an
interesting problem. Is
anyone still able to read tha data you might have stored on
an old 5 1/4"
360K floppy not all that long ago?
And in a few years.... we'll all be figuring out how to
transfer the
images we have on those ancient old CD's (some that used to
be on that
archaeic medium.......slides) over the the new optical CL
(Crystal Latice)
cube format.



PS: Methinks we should all be writing to Kodak and saying
..... hey...
wait a minute...remember us.