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hals' clear gloss cone 6

updated mon 22 sep 03


Ababi on sun 21 sep 03


Cone 6 1222 deg.C. -

Custer feldspar 36.00
silica 25.00
EPK Kaolin 17.00
Calcium Carbonate 14.00
talc NYtal 2.70
Bone Ash 1.00
Red Iron Oxide 1.60
Tin Oxide 1.30

Seger Weight%
KNO 0.245 5.46%
CaO 0.668 9.93%
MgO 0.088 0.94%
Al2O3 0.539 14.57%
P2O5 0.014 0.53%
SiO2 4.303 68.58%
K2O 0.168 4.20%
Na2O 0.077 1.26%
Al:Si 7.98
Expan. 6.66
ST 369.48

Comment: Ron is right!
I used for the analysis Talc Nital and Custer feldspar, The talc and
the bone ash alone are not the surviving. Do you fire to ^6 or a high
It is half glossy and textural because it has too much alumina and
silica and CaO for ^6.
I am not testing automatically anymore every glaze that appears in
clayart, but for these who make it , more attention is needed buy
whoever sends a recipe, to not discourage people. Two or three bad
results and the tester will not want to test again!
In a separate letter I shall write about a similar ( in structure)


-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Ron Roy

Hal - are you sure everything is here? - there is no way this is going
melt properly at cone 6.


>a spar 36.
>silica 25
>epk 17
>whiting 14
>for color and texture
>talc 2.7
>iron 1.6
>tin 1.3
>bone ash 1.0
>a cone six semi gloss glaze
>little fludity
>stains show
>warm tan in color

Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
Phone: 613-475-9544
Fax: 613-475-3513

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