Brooke Fine on sun 21 sep 03
This a very interesting article covering the influence of Picasso on
pottery and Leach's thoughts on the
subject. By the way painters doing there thing on pots are called
Lee Love on mon 22 sep 03
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brooke Fine"
Thank you for the link Brooke. But I'm afraid the writer is clueless
about the existence of potters influenced by Picasso. It is difficult to
ignore his influences upon Voulkos, Betty Woodman, and the California Funk
His work is nothing like mine, but I really like Picasso's ceramic
work. For me, the most interesting aspect is that he doesn't take himself
so seriously as in his painting and allows himself to play. It is a lot
like Calder's circus and toys or Finneger's little wooden villages.
Lee In Mashiko, Japan
"I pledge on the altar of God undying hostility to any
government restriction on the free minds of the people."
-Thomas Jefferson
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