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brent wheel control problems

updated thu 25 sep 03


C. A. Sanger on wed 24 sep 03

My Brent CXC is way older than the ones mentioned here with the "lag"
problem with the foot pedal, but I experience a similar lack of response
with mine. I drove myself nuts trying to fix it, adjusting the set
contols in the pedal, messing with the nylon arm inside, etc. Finally,
I gave up and asked my spouse to check it out. Turned out the problem
is with the housing assembly, the bar that slides through and has nuts
on the outside of the unit. If they are tightened "wrong" the nylon arm
inside the pedal can't move easily. I would push the pedal, and there
was a maddening lag before the speed changed. It sometimes would also
refuse to stop spinning when you tried to stop the wheel. Once we
changed that, the pedal worked fine. Those of you that changed the
circuit board out with no improvement might check this to see if it is
the source of your lag. C. A. Sanger

ShardRock Clay Studio <:)}}}><
Herington, Kansas