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mushy porcelain, risks of rattling the cage - now,

updated sun 28 sep 03


Susan Setley on fri 26 sep 03

however does one 'lift' one's Work from the Wheel?

In a message dated 9/26/03 9:26:11 PM, pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET writes:


Has anyone managed the method of pressing on one's temples

and with the corrrect delicate concentration, having the

Bowl or Vase or whatever the hell it is, levitate to the

Wareboard to await further attentions? >>

Without saying "Wingarium Leviosa!" it never works for me. :)

pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on fri 26 sep 03

however does one 'lift' one's Work from the Wheel?

Hi Malcolm, and all,

I hope we may hold my little reply here in parentheses
whilst Craig ( the actual fellow to whom the post was
addressed) shall frame and send his response...

But my own recollections, for sake of conversation and
shareing of Notes and all, of lifting delicate or tall
things from the Wheel, resolve on these considerations:

How dry have I let the piece become (if I have at all, and
likely not)? How thin or frail or delicate is it at any
rate? AND maybe most important in some ways, how thick of a
bottom have I left myself in anticipation of the lifting?

If I have made a thick enough bottom, as say 3/4rs of an
Inch ( or, about 18 odd millimetres for those afflicted with
that complaint) and, as most of my Work had tallish 'feet',
I tended TO have initially a thick
lifting method was as this:

I'd dry my finger tips of both hands on my apron or
trousers...and...spigot the first two finger's tips of each
hand into the base of the awaiting Pot or Bowl, right at
it's meeting with the Wheelhead, and ( having done the the
cut-off Wire's deed already) gently twist and lift and set
aside for later ministerings.

Are there other methods which we may share of?

Has anyone managed the method of pressing on one's temples
and with the corrrect delicate concentration, having the
Bowl or Vase or whatever the hell it is, levitate to the
Wareboard to await further attentions? I had come close a
few times to that method, but I did not have the knack to
make it a reliable one...they tended merely to sort of
vibrate, twitch a little, and then do a half-gainer off the
Wheel right onto the floor with little inclination to
increase their elevation in the process...(sigh)...

I'd be curious to know of others successes, experiments or
favoured methods...

Best wishes,

Las Vegas

----- Original Message -----
From: "Malcolm Schosha"

> I told you that I thought it impossible to throw a 12"
> cylinder, by 6" wide and lift it off the wheel. This is a
> thing. Can it be thrown and lifted off of wheel, or is a
> necessary. You came up with a trick, when it was clear
what I ment. I
> realize that one could also take a hair dryer, and solve
the problem
> that way. It could also be thrown 1/2" thick too and solve
it that
> way.
> But you never answered the question Craig, can that
cylinder be
> thrown in porcelain and lifted off the wheel, or not? No
tricks, just
> throw it thin and lift it off the wheel. I know that I can
not do it
> in porcelain, but can in lowfire. Let me know. If you can
do it, I
> will come be next time I am near by, and learn something.
> Malcolm

wayneinkeywest on sat 27 sep 03

however does one 'lift' one's Work from the Wheel?

Could you please elaborate on the method you use to manage that?
I have a cat that prefers my wheelhead as her bed, and I should
like to use your method to "vibrate and twitch" her so that she
would do a half-gainer onto the floor... LOL!
Besides, she's black, and the clay body is white, and I'm tired of her
looking like a Holstein cow from my picking her up and moving her
constantly. Not that the hair in the clay isn't interesting...

Wayne in Key West

> Has anyone managed the method of pressing on one's temples
> and with the corrrect delicate concentration, having the
> Bowl or Vase or whatever the hell it is, levitate to the
> Wareboard to await further attentions? I had come close a
> few times to that method, but I did not have the knack to
> make it a reliable one...they tended merely to sort of
> vibrate, twitch a little, and then do a half-gainer off the
> Wheel right onto the floor with little inclination to
> increase their elevation in the process...(sigh)...