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heat guns / blow torches

updated wed 29 oct 03


Dorie Mickelson on tue 28 oct 03

I have tried hair dryers, heat guns, and blow torches, and like blow
torches best! You can get them at any hardware store, just make sure
you get the kind that stops flaming when you take your finger off the
button (auto kill switch). I was surprised and alarmed the first time I
saw someone using a blow torch on their newly thrown pot at my local
pottery studio, but have come to really like them.


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:10:52 EST


Subject: Re: Heat guns

Also at Harbor Freight i bought a heat gun for $12.97, it works just as
good as my $50 heat gun. I hate using hair blowers , they are too noisy
and dont heat enough. When i want to blast heat i really like heat guns,
try them, youll like them
