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mel workshop in scranton pa !

updated thu 30 oct 03


Lori Leary on wed 29 oct 03

Just wanted to let the list know that our mel will be coming to Marywood
University in Scranton for a one day demo/lecture workshop in April. I
don't have all the details yet, but I am writing the list this early
because I would like to ask a favor. .... If any of you know any
pottersclay folks not on Clayart that might be interested in attending,
could you send their snail addresses to me? (OFF list and WITH their
permission, of course!!) I am helping to build a more focused mailing
list for the workshop for the school.
By the way, could you put "mel" in the subject I will be
trying to filter the responses.

Thanks for your help!
Lori L.
who really misses hosting workshops and is very excited to get back to
it in a slightly different way.