Geoffrey Gaskell on sat 1 nov 03
Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned up to an exhibition opening
just to see if my small lump of marble was included: it was.
Furthermore, perhaps only because it was cheap and for sale, it was
receiving rather more attention than the solitary ceramic piece I had
laboured on somewhat more painstakingly and diligently. I had hardly had
time to start my quick browse of the gallery when the manager pounced
upon me with the question "Where are all your marvellously amusing
little figurines?" to which I replied, "I presently prefer producing
pots and paintings and I have in any case pro-offered your preferred
production line for presentation to the public elsewhere." The lady
promptly left me to my own devices, perhaps while also pondering my
predominant use of plosives in our very brief conversation.
It was disappointing that there was only one other ceramic piece (making
a grand total of two) for this "Artrageous" Exhibition. Someone else
presented an Installation consisting mostly of leaf litter & clods of
dirt, with a water damaged book and a pair of gardening gloves. This
piece was apparently not for sale.
The place was too crowded for my taste, so I left only five minutes
after arriving and I'll go back for a proper look sometime during the
week when it is much quieter.
Geoffrey Gaskell
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