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tiles and sheetrock

updated wed 19 nov 03


christie lucero on mon 17 nov 03

I beg to differ. i dry all tiles on sheetrock, stacked three sheets plus =
three sets of tiles high with a weight on top. Seems to work perfectly. =
One thought, bind the edges with tape as the plaster can get in unwanted =
Now a question for glazelings, I made up a glaze yesterday with =
manganese dioxide as a component. By the time I'd screened it [#60), it =
seemed to that a significant portion of the manganese had gone south and =
was no longer a component. should I add extra to compensate for it's =

Time to go put my kiln on full throttle. No matter when I start a =
firing, it's always the middle of the night when I need to soak it at =
the end.

Christie lucero
snowlion fine arts
Coyote Creek, NM

Earl Krueger on tue 18 nov 03

> Now a question for glazelings, I made up a glaze yesterday with
> manganese dioxide as a component. By the time I'd screened it [#60),
> it seemed to that a significant portion of the manganese had gone
> south and was no longer a component. should I add extra to compensate
> for it's loss?

Do you mean by this that much of the manganese dioxide stayed in your
screen and did not pass through?

If so, then you are probably using a coarse grind usually used in clay
bodies to provide spotting. In this case your glaze will be short on
manganese and you might want to add some more. Just how much would be
a guess. If you can, get some of the more finely ground product to use
in glazes. I have run mine through a 100 mesh screen with no problems.

If not, then it's still there in the glaze and your OK.

> No matter when I start a firing, it's always the middle of the night
> when I need to soak it at the end.

Ahhh! I'm not alone. Doesn't mater what time I start the kiln it
always finishes between 2:30 and 3:00 AM (yawn, yawn).

Bothell, WA, USA