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black cone 10 stain recipe...

updated wed 26 nov 03


elca branman on tue 25 nov 03

I use equal parts by volume of the following
iron oxide

Add a smidge of your clear glaze to help flux it, or a pinch of gerstley
borate of you have a stash..
Elca Branman
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 11:03:09 -0800 julie milazzo
> Hey all!
> When I lived in Sonoma, I had a great black stain recipe that
> consisted of roughly five different stains mixed together. Now that
> I need it, of course, it is nowhere to be found. I think it had
> black iron oxide, cobalt oxide, maybe some nickel, uh, and some
> other stuff. Does anyone have a good recipe for a cone 10 black
> stain that actually comes out true black? ,

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