sabra wood on tue 25 nov 03
i haven't used a microwave for greenware...
but i have had good experience heating up glazed pots for reglazing...
works well.
i'd use a toaster oven, but the studio only has a microwave.
sabra wood
Lou Roess on fri 28 nov 03
on 11/25/03 3:40 PM, sabra wood at cliftonwood@EARTHLINK.NET wrote:
> i haven't used a microwave for greenware... but i have had good experience
heating up glazed pots for reglazing... works well.
> sabra wood
Sabra, how do you use a microwave for heating pots? Technically they
shouldn't heat up much, unless you put water in them.
As for using a microwave to dry greenware, I use it to harden the clay just
enough so I can get it off a mold without deforming it. I use increments of
22 seconds. If you try to get a piece really dry you will inevitably end up
with an explosion.
sabra wood on fri 28 nov 03
about empty pots getting warm in the microwave...
i don't know why my glazed pots get warm, but they do.
go figure.
i remember reading vaguely somewhere that the way to see if a container
is safe for microwaving is to put it in the overn, turn it on & see if
it gets warm.
now, i don't know if this is true.
and if it is, i don't know why it works.
and i don't know why my pots with glaze boo boos get warm in the oven.
gosh, there's a lot i don't know.
Ingeborg Foco on sun 30 nov 03
"i remember reading vaguely somewhere that the way to see if a container
is safe for microwaving is to put it in the overn, turn it on & see if
it gets warm."
You should not put an empty containers in the microwave and run the oven.
The correct way to test your wares is to put a glass of cold water in the
micro wave and your cup in there as well. The micro waves should heat up
the water not your container.
You can also put a cup of cold water in your pottery mug and turn the oven
on for 1 minute. If the water is warm/hot and the mug isn''s O.K.
Hope that helps
the Potter's Workshop & Gallery
P.O. Box 510
3058 Stringfellow Road
St. James City, Florida 33956
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