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oh shoot! i lost my black cone 10 stain recipe...

updated wed 26 nov 03


julie milazzo on tue 25 nov 03

Hey all!
When I lived in Sonoma, I had a great black stain recipe that consisted of roughly five different stains mixed together. Now that I need it, of course, it is nowhere to be found. I think it had black iron oxide, cobalt oxide, maybe some nickel, uh, and some other stuff. Does anyone have a good recipe for a cone 10 black stain that actually comes out true black? I checked the archives, and found nothing but lowfire and porn. I'm heading upstairs to consult with some trusted clay books, but any suggestions would be great. I miss writing more to you all, and can't wait for the holidays to be done, so I can again sit down, sip some coffee, and read more posts. Love, Jules

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