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brent "a" pedal problem

updated sat 20 dec 03


BiKaySki523@AOL.COM on thu 18 dec 03

I just got a very old and used A model brent. Was having problem with pedal,
thought it was short circuiting b/c it shocked me really good. Opened it up
and managed to break the black magnet slider thing (hopefully someone knows what
im talking about). How can i find a part for that? thank you alot!

Bud Whitmire
Atlanta, Georgia

Susan Fox-Hirschmann on fri 19 dec 03

I had a similar thing happen to me about a year ago and emailed to get their phone no.
and then called and spoke to the techical person at the factory. Be sure to
tell them the appox. age of the wheel....who knows if their
designs/.configurations have changed over the years?

They are most helpful---and be sure to ask for diagrams for installation.

Good luck
Annandale, VA