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joyce michaud master throwing workshop at hood college

updated fri 19 dec 03


Elizabeth Hunt on thu 18 dec 03

Hi all,

I'm posting this workshop info on behalf of Joyce Michaud, and having taken
this workshop with her last January, I can HIGHLY recommend it! It's at
Hood College in Frederick, MD. where she is the program director.


I am teaching a Masters Throwing workshop January 8-11,
2004. 9am-4pm daily cost is $240. There are three or four
openings due to cancellations.

Anyone interested should call Joyce Michaud at 301-698-0929
or email her at

Master's Throwing Workshop
January 8-11, 2004, 9am-4pm each day
An in-depth study of advanced throwing concepts designed to
assist the student to cognitively understand the essence of
clay, the broadest potential of the medium, and to learn to
respond to the movement and the forces affecting the clay
during the throwing process in a synthesis of skill,
knowledge and artistic expression. Students will build
skills, refine technique, and increase efficiency in the
use of the potter's wheel through an exploration of
structural strength concepts for wheel-thrown forms,
correlation of knowledge of the nature of clay and the
forces affecting the movement of the clay on the spinning
wheel, and exercises designed to train students to feel and
direct the movement of the clay in order to increase