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hank's east coast workshop tour

updated sat 17 apr 04


Hank Murrow on mon 22 dec 03

Dear clay folk;

I am starting an east coast workshop tour with the Annapolis Potters
Guild May 8, &9, followed by the Greenbelt Center in Greenbelt, MD the
following weekend. If any of you have been wanting to see my soft
faceting or roller trimming demos, and can suggest a venue along the
eastern seaboard, please contact me off-list to arrange something. I
plan to continue northwards to Boston, MA or Portland, Maine. I have
room in my schedule for two additional venues.

Cheers, Hank

Hank Murrow on fri 16 apr 04

Dear claybuds;

I will be arriving in Annapolis May 4th to get ready for the first of
four workshops I will be presenting on the east coast during May/June.
As usual, I will be demonstrating Soft Faceting with a variety of
forms, Stick & Roller Trimming and other ways of Displacing clay rather
than cutting it, and telling my collection of stories about the
teachers I have known. As usual, there will be a chance for
participants to try out my tools on pieces that I throw. Look for a
good potluck at the end also. Here is a list of venues and contact

May 8 & 9th, Annapolis Potters' Guild, Annapolis MD, contact Ann
Kenworthy @ Ann Kenworthy

May 10th or 11th, evening Slide Talk at the Lee Arts Center in
Arlington VA for the Kiln Club of Washington DC, contact Betty Drachman

May 15 & 16th, Greenbelt Arts Center, Greenbelt MD, contact Jessica
Gitlis @

May 22 & 23rd, Marvin Flowerman's Studio, Far Hills NJ, Marvin says it
is full.

June 5 & 6th, for Centered Pottery Guild at a member's studio in Storrs
CT, contact Barbara Chase

I hope all Clayart members will introduce themselves so I can finally
put some visages to their 'voices' here on clayart.

I hope everyone will have as great a time as I will,

Hank in Eugene

ps: when not presenting, look for me in the basement of the Freer!