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toxicity of gold lustres

updated tue 23 dec 03


iandol on sun 21 dec 03

Dear Friends,
It might be prudent to do a literature search on the production of Gold =
Lustre before making any comment. Reading and quoting form the label =
would also be advisable.
I have a vial of Hanovia Liquid Bright Gold before me. There is no =
mention of Cyanide. You are warned not to inhale the vapours. It =
contains essential botanical oils. It also contains Chloroform and =
Toluene. It also advises you to wash affected areas in soap and water =
for five minutes if you make direct contact with it.
I recall Parmellee has information and gives some interesting references =
about Lustres.
May we all receive enlightenment at the Renewal of the Solstice.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia