iandol on wed 31 dec 03
Krista Peterson posed the following proposition...<there was a place that employed fresh young artists out of school.>>.
In some countries there are such establishments. Adelaide, South =
Australia has "The Jam Factory", though it is no longer in its original =
location which was a jam factory. This facility was inaugurated by the =
late Don Dunstan, when he was State Premier more than twenty years ago =
and it still flourishes. It provides studio space and facilities for =
worthy ceramic arts graduates and others in many craft skills as well as =
rental studio space once they start to make headway. One of its features =
is strong attention to retail and wholesale disposal of works made =
there. I do no know the full details but they have excellent ceramic and =
glass facilities. I believe it is possible for people to undertake short =
term or long term internships. People who are interested in the idea =
might search the internet for "The Jam Factory" and also "The Meat =
Market" which is a similar enterprise in Melbourne, Victoria, Au. =20
A Happy New Year to All,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia
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