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potters for belize needs tool donations

updated wed 7 jan 04


Billie Mitchell on sun 4 jan 04

i and 2 other potters will be traveling to belize to teach pottery at the
end of the month. we will be teaching in a remote village that has a need
for carving tools. the only tools they have are for throwing. if you have
any old tools or new ones for that matter that you could donate please
email me and i will send you my snail mail address.
billie mitchell

Lee Love on mon 5 jan 04

Can you tell us what kind of "carving tools" you are looking for? Loop
tools like what sculptors use?

Lee In Mashiko

Steve Gady on tue 6 jan 04

I wish you luck in Belize. I spent the last 24 years in Army Special =
Ops before retiring last August. Having worked with many folks around =
the world, I wholeheartedly agree with posts that suggest you work with =
locally procured items for carving tools. If you bring an assortment of =
tools you like, the folks in the village may surprise you by their =
ingenuity. Although donated tools are nice, what happens when they break =
or wear out? Part of the fun I have had lurking/posting occasionally is =
learning who others improvise on making their own tools. For example, I =
am constantly looking at the ground in parking lots looking for the =
small metal bristles that have broken off of the street sweeper's =
brushes, to use as the working piece of trimming tools. Once you return, =
I hope you will send a post letting all of us know what materials your =
students developed to carve.
(Still looking for potters in Brandon/Valrico area.)

Steve Gady aka Mud Dawg=20
Tampa, Florida, USA

John K Dellow on tue 6 jan 04

Billie ,
I think the best advice for you is to find a clump of bamboo in belize
or some other
suitable wood and make them . All you need is a frett saw , wood rasp
and some fine sand paper.


Billie Mitchell wrote:

>i and 2 other potters will be traveling to belize to teach pottery at the
>end of the month. we will be teaching in a remote village that has a need
>for carving tools. the only tools they have are for throwing. if you have
>any old tools or new ones for that matter that you could donate please
>email me and i will send you my snail mail address.
>billie mitchell
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John Dellow "the flower pot man"
From the land down under
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