Frank Bales on sun 11 jan 04
Last night I saw a tiny George Ohr piece valued at $2000 (I think). It had
been bought at a garage sale for $.50.
Krista Peterson on sun 11 jan 04
Yeah! I saw that one. You see so much ceramics on that show I've been wondering when we'd get to see
something by a contemporary. It was kind of exciting. I'm still waiting to find one of my pieces in
a thrift store. Think how exciting it would be to have your work be appraised on Antiques Road Show. I guess it wouldn't matter cuz you'd probably be dead by the time that would ever happen. ;>)
Ice finally melting!!
Krista Peterson
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Bales
Sent: Jan 11, 2004 3:44 AM
Subject: George Ohr Piece on Antiques Roadshow
Last night I saw a tiny George Ohr piece valued at $2000 (I think). It had
been bought at a garage sale for $.50.
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