Linda Pahl on wed 21 jan 04
Hi all.
Thanks for the members of clayart who wrote me off list with comments
and suggestions for my new website. I appreciate it.
I got quite a few emails letting me know that the graphic rich pages
loaded very slowly and that the type was too small to read comfortably
so I worked to improve those two things and wound up changing it a lot.
(I am not a webmaster by any stretch of the imagination - I use
Earthlink's templates and tutorials to figure it out. Still, this was
a fun project and I encourage others to find out if their ISP providers
have similar templates to help with creating usable web pages.)
But most of the email was to request the recipe for a glaze that is my
very first formulated glaze. I was able to actually formulate what
looks to be a fairly decent glaze after reading John Hesselberth and
Ron Roy's book "Mastering Cone 6 Glazes" and also by using the
companion program, Glaze Master. ( )
The glaze is within the Hesselberth/Roy Limits for a cone 6 glaze and
has passed the 3 day vinegar test without any change in color. I plan
to have it tested to see if it leaches appreciable amounts of copper or
lithium but I have gotten so many requests for the recipe that I feel a
bit deluged and decided to post it now before testing it in order to
cut down on the repetitive task of sending out the recipe individually.
So...all caveats about being careful about using it on tableware
apply, at least until it has passed the leachate test. I hope the
glaze doesn't BOMB on other folk's clay body or I will be quite red
faced about my mini bragging!!!
There is a picture of the glaze on my new website. Click on the
thumbnail picture to see the full image. I use a groggy high-iron clay
body (Miller 611) and I wonder how the glaze will perform on other clay
bodies. I use the firing schedule outlined by John Hesselberth on his
web page ( ). I
would be interested in reading about the results that others have with
this glaze.
Glaze name: Juicy Turquoise
Cone: 6
Color: turquoise
Surface texture: glossy
Firing: Oxidation
Comments: breaks on texture and sharp edges on my iron clay body.
Cornwall Stone 41.00
Kentucky Ball Clay (OM 4) 10.00
EPK 5.00
L lithium Carbonate 5.00
Strontium Carbonate 12.50
Whiting 10.00
Flint 16.50
Totals: 100.00 %
Also add:
Copper Oxide 2.50
Tin Oxide 4.50
Bentonite 2.00
Unity Formula for Juicy Turquoise:
0.056 K2O 0.354 Al2O3 2.909 SiO2
0.080 Na2O 0.004 Fe2O3 0.007 TiO2
0.366 CaO 0.005 P2O5 8.2:1 Si:Al Ratio
0.006 MgO
0.218 Li2O
0.273 SrO
Percentage Analysis for Juicy Turquoise:
62.73 % SiO2
12.96 % Al2O3
1.89 % K2O
1.78 % Na2O
7.37 % CaO
0.09 % MgO
2.34 % Li2O
10.16 % SrO
0.23 % Fe2O3
0.25 % P2O5
0.20 % TiO2
Regards and Happy Testing!
Linda Pahl, Kew Gardens, New York
(I throw on my wheel in my hall closet; the only possible solution in
this tiny apartment! Maybe I could fit an anagama in my kitchenette...)
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