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wedging_table and bats

updated sat 24 jan 04


Bonnie Staffel on thu 22 jan 04

Dear Clayarters,

I have a table top made with a sheet of 1/4" masonite. It probably was
exterior masonite, as I have had it for many years. It is absorbent enough
to make kneading comfortable, it washes easily, hence no dust to speak of.
When I first used it I oiled it, as my bats are all oiled masonite and they
work great, having some absorbency as well as early easy release. I reoil
my bats when the residue starts showing light gray. The oil I use is motor
oil and I apply it liberally and allow it to soak in overnight. I have been
using these same bats for many, many years. I had them cut from a 4 x 8
sheet with various sizes.

These bats do not have pin holes as I use a 1" thick clay doughnut on the
wheel head to hold the bat in place. The doughnut is kept covered between
uses with a damp cloth and when it finally does get too firm, I just remove
it and make a new one. It is easily releveled if necessary with a Sureform

I am disenchanted with the plastic bats as I have found that they warp and
wiggle on the pins. I threw my big pots on plastic bats as that was what
was available in the studio I visited. S cracks occurred quite often. When
I made big pots in my own studio using my masonite bats, I did not get the S

Offered FYI

Bonnie Staffel, of Charlevoix.