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clayart subscribers' urls, arti (was: re: web site help)

updated mon 26 jan 04


Helen Bates on sat 24 jan 04

Thank you Maurice.

It is very helpful when subscribers to Clayart send me their web site urls,
(after checking the link provided by Maurice, and which is also available
in my signature at the bottom of this post.)

I do catch some myself when reading through digests of posts, but I don't
manage to read all the digests, and certainly may miss some.

I missed Arti's original "I'm still alive!" post.

Glad to see you back with us on Clayart, Don. :-))

All the best.


Maurice Weitman wrote:
> At 8:46 PM -0500 on 1/23/04, mark knot wrote:
>> i'm wondering about building a web site and am wondering if people can
>> post their web site so i and others can look at them to get ideas of
>> what works and what has not worked for the posting artist. thanks mark
>> knott
> Mark,
> Helen Bates has been going through the trouble of maintaining a web site
> (with Bill Amsterlaw) with just that information on it:
> contains over 600 links to clayart
> members' web pages. It was last updated just four days ago.
> I would encourage you to use that, and I would also encourage other
> clayart members with web pages to send their info to Helen (details on
> that site) to keep this wonderful resource relevant and complete for us
> all.
> Thanks, Helen, for all your work.
> Regards,
> Maurice


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