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custom stamps - curious about the price and how come so

updated sat 31 jan 04


Kathy McDonald on fri 30 jan 04


i will call and ask the supplier what
type of stamp it was i can take picture and foreard it to you directly
if you would like. Please email off list if this is your preference.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: custom stamps - curious about the price and how come so

Hi Kathy,

This seems expensive to me, as, the places which make Rubber
Stamps, or those of them which still make the preliminary
Zink mould in which
to mould the Rubber, usually have been very reasonable if
one only wants the Zink mould ( which they have to make
every time they make a Rubber Stamp from anyone's camera
ready 'art' or text image anyway...)

The last time I got one, it was about 8.00 I think...(some
years ago...)

If memory serve, they have some descretion as to how 'deep'
the Zink mould may be, which I think leaves off at about an
eigth-of-an-inch deep as the deepest.

Just what is it you are paying $125.00 for...?

And, how 'deep' is deep in your reference?

One may have a true, 'Hardened' Steel 'stamp' made for that
kind of
price, with which one may stamp a logo or a set of letters
into (ideally, non-hardened) Steels and other metals...

I am curious...

Las Vegas

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy McDonald"

> I have always gone to a local professional printer
> and had them custom order me what I need.
> IThey all have access to deep moulded stamps
> from catalogues. Henry Armstrong did it here
> for a while, now i use a local printng company.
> This is a very expensive thing and I normally
> pay about 125 dollars(canuck) per logo stamp to get
> what I want. I do the art work first, and it has to be
> very precise so that it will cut clean.
> The stamp is then pressed into flat pancakes of clay
> and sprigged onto a mug or other cylinder.
> iI
> I am to the point where I have the customer pay
> for the stamp prior to commencing with an order
> because its too expensive to undertake otherwise.
> My minimum order for this kind of thing is 50 mugs.
> Kathy Mc
> I
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On Behalf
Of T.B.Pots
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:20 PM
> Subject: custom stamps
> Does anyone have a source for getting custom stamps? My
local sources don't
> make them deep enough for decent imprinting in clay.
> Thank you!
> _
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