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goddess and potters ot

updated sat 7 feb 04


Krista Peterson on fri 6 feb 04

>"An interesting thing I've learned studying history is that the less
>technologically advanced a society is, the more free time individuals had."

I avoided technology for a long time, mainly because I couldn't afford it. Although I can't really afford it now but then, one can't afford NOT to have it in this society it seems. I love the clayart forum and I love to chat with my friend in Chicago but the technical issues and cost, in both time and money, drives me nuts. Many times I feel like I want to just throw in the towell on this society crap, I don't know if all this technology is worth the stress and worry. Sometimes I feel like I could take a sledge hammer to my computer and cell phone, and I may some day. We have made life way too complicated, and for what, ease and comfort. But I don't think technology has made life easier and more comfortable. I'm not necessarily against technology but I think it has become an addiction with us. I think there is such a thing as too much technology and I think we've reached that point.

Krista Peterson