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hamada/leach new potters

updated fri 6 feb 04


Joyce Lee on thu 5 feb 04

To: All Potters Who've Never Heard of either
Hamada nor Leach until recently. =20

Keisha, you have only heard of some of
our shared traditions at the ripe old age
of 25 ..... traditions which=20
contribute to our education and understandings
of that which has come before us, and which
give us
pride in the league of potters to which we
belong.... and immense appreciation of one
another and our various techniques for
reaching similar goals. =20

I, on the other hand, had no acquaintance=20
with either Leach or Hamada until after I had
retired.... more than twice your age.

How could I? =20
Why should I?

professional and personal lives were to the
brim as I developed other areas of expertise
and enjoyment. Fortunately, even before=20
finding Clayart or my first workshops, I had
a mentor who loaned me my first clay books.
One book was a how-to text book. The
other two were more historically based and
told me tales from the beginning about Hamada,
Leach, Lucy Rie, Voulkos and Soldner. What a
wise potter she is! How well she was taught!

I am
by nature an anecdotal learner. Such "stories"
inspired me as much as touching clay for the
first time, or discovering Electric Wheels ....
taught me that potters themselves were an
eclectic mix, amongst themselves ... and within
themselves. Just as am I.

So, Keisha and other newbies to clay, take it
easy, go slower than I have (the process will
force you to do so anyhow, so flow with it). =20
Enjoy your learning. Observe the new
traditions developing as I write .... read all that
you can find.... and keep working with the clay.
Allow your life to be enriched; don't delay your
growth with self-doubt. Whether you opt to
remain with clay or move into other areas.....
permanently or temporarily .... the learning=20
you receive now about the process, other
potters and yourself will serve you in good
stead forever.

In the Mojave enjoying most days and thrilled
to bits to almost be able to think again....
well, thinking isn't the problem.... retaining the
thoughts ..... that's the tricky part. Yep,
a Steel Sieve Mind ..... that's I.