mel jacobson on thu 5 feb 04
i have written the word leach 500 times on a piece
of paper.
i have sat on the john and repeated 500 times.
`i will not misspell bernard leach's name....ever again.`
i have had ample opportunity to do that over the past week.
i will not have any bad thoughts about agnes purdy, the meanest
son of a bitch english teacher in the world. anyway, it was her
fault for making fun of my spelling. i still flare when it is corrected.
the gastric flare-up is gone.
i think i am back with the living.
thanks for those that have given me hope.
it is not easy.
listened to a great interview with steven j. cannell, the author last week.
he has made about 50 million dollars with his writing. 17 books, 200 articles,
over 50 tv series..(rockford files) and, he cannot write.
he is seriously learning disabled. dyslexic...serious. he types his
material on an
old royal typewriter and pays a woman to re/write. he cannot spell. it is
all phonetic
writing. he claims he writes for 7 hours a day. on schedule. and you
know what?
he has stories to tell.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:
Earl Brunner on fri 6 feb 04
My senior year of an otherwise lackluster academic career prior to
college, was Mrs. Huddachek. She had the most amazing ability to
encourage, and accept. She had an uncanny ability to help you believe
in your self, because she believed in you. Technically, she was no
great teacher. But I needed so badly to believe in myself and my ideas
more than I needed to know where to put a comma. A sentence fragment
(anathema to all my other teachers) wasn't as important to her as the
idea behind it. She valued the ideas.
I could write ANYTHING for her. I wrote poetry. I still have the
In pottery, from books, it was, Glen Nelson, Daniel Rhodes, Marguerite
Wildenhain, Bernard Leach and Michael Cardew. Marguerites words moved
me the most. They lit a fire in my soul.
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of The Chapel
of Art
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: LEACH
So yours was Miss or Mrs. Purdy, Mel? Mine was Mr. Arwyn
Griffiths aka "Swift"! I still have my English exercise book from
when I was maybe 12 or 13... Great stories, lousy spelling and
boy oh, boy did Swift make snide comments about "careless
mistakes". But notice he did not manage to stop me writing!!?
Glad Ms Purdy had about as little affect on your communication
drive, Mel!!
Love Janet :o)
Chris Clyburn on fri 6 feb 04
Don't feel bad, I have been working on a presentation over Leach and Hamada
and their influence on modern ceramics and I _still_ continue to spell his
name "Leech" at least I can get Shoji right, go figure
Chris Clyburn
n Thu, 5 Feb 2004 06:49:49 -0600, mel jacobson wrote:
>i have written the word leach 500 times on a piece
>of paper.
>i have sat on the john and repeated 500 times.
>`i will not misspell bernard leach's name....ever again.`
>i have had ample opportunity to do that over the past week.
The Chapel of Art on fri 6 feb 04
So yours was Miss or Mrs. Purdy, Mel? Mine was Mr. Arwyn
Griffiths aka "Swift"! I still have my English exercise book from
when I was maybe 12 or 13... Great stories, lousy spelling and
boy oh, boy did Swift make snide comments about "careless
mistakes". But notice he did not manage to stop me writing!!?
Glad Ms Purdy had about as little affect on your communication
drive, Mel!!
Love Janet :o)
The Chapel of Art : Capel Celfyddyd
8 Marine Crescent : Criccieth : Wales : UK
Home of The International Potters' Path
Tel: ++44 (01766) 523570
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Lee Love on fri 6 feb 04
Susan Setley wrote:
>Interestingly (this is my field)... Dyslexia...
My New Zealand daughter Janneen, just wrote me email on her
friend's computer. She wrote by speaking to the computer, without
touching the keys. There were very few mistakes. Her friend is
very dyslexic and this program helps him write intelligibly.
My spell checker helps me, I am only mildly dyslexic, but
dyslexic enough that I can't trust the mirrors on my car to know which
direction the cars are coming from. I have to look directly.
This kind of flip-flopping allows me to read and write
mirror writing very easily. Me & my buddy Lars Sloan used mirror
writing to pass notes in grade school. In 6th grade, our teacher put
us at opposite ends of the class room to keep us from passing the notes
he couldn't read( without taking them to the restroom mirror..) When
the teacher was busy at the blackboard, we took Bic pen tubes, and
wrapped our notes around a staight pin and "blow-gunned" our messages
across the classroom, using a sheet of paper to catch the dart. We had
to place a strategic *cough* to mask the impact of the dart.
Lee In Mashiko, Japan
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