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wotcha greentree & co! (re: clayart digest - 4 feb 2004 to 5 feb 2004)

updated sun 8 feb 04


Janet Kaiser on sun 8 feb 04

Please, please, PLEASE watch out when you reply to a posting, all
you guys & gals who elect to receive the digest form of
Clayart... When you hit "reply" it can send THE WHOLE DIGEST to
the WHOLE LIST!!!!!=B0!=B0 It was Greentree today, but it happens
often to merit a mention IMO

Today it was a whopping 236k which Mel did not catch as he
often/usually/sometimes does. A "normal" e-mail being around 2 to
3k, that is about right. NOT ONLY did everyone receive 236k but
if they were like me, they received 236k TWICE over!?!? We shall
not mention the poor, poor digest readers who will receive that
day's mail FOUR TIMES over!

Not only is it costly for we people who pay for each second
on-line, it could well deprive some fellow Clayarters of their
other private and business mail, because along with the all the
wormy MyDoom/Agvar mails @ 31k each, they will soon exceed their
ISP e-mail quota. My allowance was topped twice last week, when
MyDoom was at its height... That takes some doing with 10 megs
free space and downloading twice daily... Only ever happened
before when I was away and forgot or was unable to switch to

And whilst I am having a good old moan... Please cut out the
increasing number of "I agree" or "How funny!" or "You are right"
or "wrong" one-liner mails! It is helping to make an archive
search even more annoying and time-consuming than ever...

Thanks for your consideration and care... Senior moments are
naturally excluded from all censure!!!=B0!=B0


Janet Kaiser -- Thanks for all the kind inquiries... Yes, we are
fine and not flooded out. That was up in the Conway Valley which
is north of us, also on the Rivers Wye and Usk down in South
Wales. We did suffer seven inches of rainfall in three days from
Saturday to Monday though. That is about half the total annual
rainfall for London!! Cats and dogs? More like horses and cows!!
Sunshine would be really good to see, but the snowdrops and
crocuses make up for a little and some early narcissus are
dancing away... Well before they are needed for St. David's Feast
Day on 1st March... BTW Happy Feast Day for St. Meingold
tomorrow. (8th February)

The Chapel of Art : Capel Celfyddyd
8 Marine Crescent : Criccieth : Wales : UK
Home of The International Potters' Path
Tel: ++44 (01766) 523570

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