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chicken fat re: clay absorption test: the noise

updated wed 18 feb 04


Carol Tripp on sat 14 feb 04

Just what are you guys putting into your broth mix? I try to have as
little fat as possible in my broth. (Said with an air of superiority ;-)) -
that's a double chin below the smile.
I guess the idea of a washcloth in the boiling water to dampen the noise of
the fired clay block is the better one.
But what about a purely vegetable mix to cook down into a broth - anything
in that that would be technically deleterous to the absorbtion rate of the
clay block? Just curious. I don't actually ever plan to combine cooking and
clay absorbtion ever.
Best regards,
Dubai, UAE

Ivor Lewis wrote:
>Not a bad idea to get that bit of extra flavour. But serious technical
>short comings.
>The fat and oil would go into the clay as well. This would give a
>lighter reading than it should be because of a lower density of the
>fat and oil. So the clay would seem less absorbent than it might be.

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Ivor and Olive Lewis on mon 16 feb 04

Dear Carol,
If these absorption pieces are put in to cook with a Chook there is
usually a lot of fat that rends from the skin. Even if clay tiles were
put in with flensed carcases fat and oil would rend from the bones.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia