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from sally.voice computer/more - ot

updated wed 18 feb 04


Simona Drentea on tue 17 feb 04

<a fantastic program! >>
I'm a little late on this thread, but had to chime in b/c all I read were
positive reviews. I have AOL Naturally Speaking which is Dragon's Naturally
Speaking w/a few extra bonuses for AOL. I absolutely hate this sware & feel it's
a real waste of money. I have trained it 'til I'm blue in the face & have
seen very little improvement. I am lucky if it gets 1 sentence out of 3 even
remotely close to correct. I find it so frustrating that I quit using it. Every
time I think I should try it again, I do & 10 minutes later I'm at my wit's
end. To be honest, I can't imagine they sell anything this bad. Just my 2
cents. If you are considering VR sware, try out a friend's copy first! I wish I

Simona in CO