lili krakowski on mon 23 feb 04
WHY do you want to filter your clay water? As Ivor wrote, what goes =
through your "filters" are the finest clay particles--not only =
used/useful for terra sig. but also useful , I would say essential, for =
clay plasticity. Them there little guys are IMPORTANT. You want to =
keep'em and return them to your clay body.
As to the water--why not reuse it in throwing? Just as is. If you have =
a problem with too much water then let it evaporate. And by the way, =
most new potters use far too much water. It's a pool in there.....
My wheel came with instructions that it should be unplugged. I do not =
trust power surge surpressors; too many computer type electronically =
savvy friends with horror stories about them. I unplug my wheel when I =
leave the studio. Duh.
mini-maxim is not original with me. Advice is the result of experience =
and opinion. When someone who has been married and divorced six times =
tells you: "You really should marry this guy...." you interpret that =
differently from it's being said by your closest, most monogamous =
friend, or your crabby old mother hungry for grandkids. =20
So. David H was right about tiny wood kilns, and others were right as =
well. A proper woodburning kiln--I think this is in Rhodes--starts at =
3'x3'x 3'. Others will have other opinions. Others will offer small =
kiln designs. Everyone is right--but has a different perspective. It =
is like with a potroast. (Oh Lord, here she goes again!) If asked, I =
will tell you up front that a proper potroast starts with at least 5 lbs =
of trimmed meat. (If untrimmed you need more) Cook it , and freeze =
some, it that is too much. WHY? Because the qualities that make =
potroast great require a certain cooking time, and if the roast is too =
small it will be shoeleather when cooked as it should be. Same with =
woodburning kilns.....if the kiln is too small certain effects will not =
be gotten....As to bisquing with wood--once fired works well, but as =
someone long ago pointed out, the difficulty with wood is starting the =
fire slowly enough...
Frit 3271, says my copy of the Wm Hunt article:
Na2O .514
CaO .486
B203 .768
Si02 2.25
Mol wt 247.9
Fusion temp 1500F
Coeff exp 9.3
As you see it is close to some others, but not exactly the same. I =
probably would start with 3185 adding the Calcium with whiting.
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
Ivor and Olive Lewis on tue 24 feb 04
Dear Lili,
I have always regarded water which is reused as "Well Tempered Water".
Beginners at the Wheel could be reminded that the slip and slurry
created by throwing is the best lubricant to use while throwing. I has
far superior lubricating properties in comparison to pure
unadulterated water.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia
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