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pyrometers and the dreaded thermocouple

updated wed 25 feb 04


John Rodgers on mon 23 feb 04

I am very interested in this. I have been trying to learn enough about
the programing and control circuits to do just what you have done. My
idea was to build a control unit plugged into a PC, using a type K
thermocouple. The control unit would have a contactor built in to cycle
the power as needed. By programing in Visual Basic, a neat control of
the kiln could be executed, giving the full range of control over
fireing of the kiln, and the who thing can be run on a PC during the
firing, and data can be collected and stored.. I know where I want to go
with this, but my knowledge of programing is virtually non-existant, so
there I am starting from scratch.

My $0.02.

John Rodgers
Chelsea, AL

Cary Chleborad wrote:

>Hey Gang,
>I recently hacked my own pyrometer together with a type K thermocouple and
>PC interface Radioshack multi-meter.
>I wrote an excel spreadsheet to handle the polynomial conversion from
>voltage to temp as well as adding an algorithm for correcting the reference
>temperature at the junctions created by the meter attachment. I've
>performed a few different tests, including a glaze firing, and the system
>seems to be pretty well calibrated. I've also begun to develop a software
>executable (non-excel) for kiln monitoring.
>The big question is how many people might be interested in duplicating what
>I've done if the software was made available?
>The radioshack meter runs $59.99 and the thermocouple with a 10' extension
>wire runs about $15 - $20 bucks.
>Let me know! If there is enough interest I'll spiff the software up and
>publish instructions.
>Send postings to
>You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
>settings from
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Cary Chleborad on mon 23 feb 04

Hey Gang,

I recently hacked my own pyrometer together with a type K thermocouple and
PC interface Radioshack multi-meter.

I wrote an excel spreadsheet to handle the polynomial conversion from
voltage to temp as well as adding an algorithm for correcting the reference
temperature at the junctions created by the meter attachment. I've
performed a few different tests, including a glaze firing, and the system
seems to be pretty well calibrated. I've also begun to develop a software
executable (non-excel) for kiln monitoring.

The big question is how many people might be interested in duplicating what
I've done if the software was made available?

The radioshack meter runs $59.99 and the thermocouple with a 10' extension
wire runs about $15 - $20 bucks.

Let me know! If there is enough interest I'll spiff the software up and
publish instructions.
