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re- sieving glazes

updated wed 25 feb 04


Brad Sondahl on tue 24 feb 04

If you have some heavier glaze materials they can tend to settle
quickly, and if not thoroughly restirred could remain as a layer in the
bottom, but this is not typical.
I re-sieve my glazes whenever I transfer glazes from the bucket to a
wider basin (for dipping large platters, bowls, etc.) Then I sieve
again as I pour the remnants back in the bucket. I do this to remove
glaze lumps and foreign matter. Sieving certainly restores the glaze to
its original mixed state. You may try adding a deflocculant like epsom
salts to keep the glaze from clumping. Occasionally I've noticed a
change in glaze outcome when I've forgotten to add the epsom salts
solution. For the right quantity of epsom salts to add, visit my
Brad Sondahl

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