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rebuilding old salt kiln- questions

updated thu 26 feb 04


lyla kaplan on wed 25 feb 04

i have the opportunity to tear down a big old 115 c.ft. salt kiln, interior is hardbrick that apparently hasn't fused due to generous kiln wash. it also has an exterior layer of soft brick . i would be building a 30 c ft soda kiln. although the interior has not fused (except for the bagwall), the kiln has been salt fired about 30-40 times.  obviously, i would use the best bricks, but would it be a bad idea to rebuild for a soda/salt kiln?

- would the exterior soft bricks have lost their insulating value (maybe that's a stupid question)?

- could the old hard bricks handle itc sprayed on or is itc only good for "virgin" bricks?

thanks! getting this would be a big leap for me, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

lyla in pennsylvania


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