Stephani Stephenson on thu 26 feb 04
From Previous posts :
"Hmmmm, a breastplate and shield...should they match the bag and the
shoes, or the horned helmet? ROFL
"Wayne-You forgot to list the breast plate and the shield."
A breastplate, you say?
From past experience, I would highly recommend
if you bring one breastplate,
do bring the other.
I doubt if I can get mine to Indy
they are made of pewter.... does that trigger the metal detector?
In addition, the clasps connecting them could easily be misconstrued
as weapons,
and in fact can be used as such, though usually the wound is self
by simple bending or twisting.
And you thought a frenchman trying to ignite a tennis shoe was
So they would certainly be confiscated at the airport,
whether in the luggage, the carry on , or 'in situ'.....
I have also discovered that my 'plate' size has changed considerably
since last donning my breastplates for ritual celebration , public
or routine pillaging and/or housecleaning .
Once full and formidable, they now seem like
mere saucers, rather than plates worthy of such a woman.(hee hee)
What has happened?
I fear I now require nothing less than turreens.
Then would I trade in my shield for a ladle?
And heav'n knows what kind of fashion malfunction
a vikingwoman could experience, wearing turreens.
o the shards! the shards! not to mention all the CNN coverage.
One thought I did have.... last year we had a tie contest.....
this year , what about aprons?
Everyone has an apron, right?
hopefully not made of pewter.
can't believe I yanked myself out of current lurking status for this
all important issue....
Stephani Stephenson
Stephani Stephenson
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