mel jacobson on sun 29 feb 04
i just send a note to ron roy and say:
`how much to make me a perfect glaze?`
he tells me, he makes it, and i am a happy
or, i just copy glazes from ron, john, hank, and that guy
that makes blue celedon from oregon.
hell, don't mess with all that calc. go to the experts.
(bruce i don't give a damn about australia girrell could help too.)
geez...or call tim frederick at acers, he has all my glaze
calc programs that john h. sent me free......just for
being a good guy and pimping his stuff. tim has it on his
computer, and if i have a question, i call him.
so there.
and that damn joyce just calls me for all my recipes.
or, call malcolm davis...he has hundreds...of course
it is all that damn shino, and that is only two recipes.
god, what can we do now.
and, i have a balloon and some ping pong balls
stuck in my stack. who is going to fix that?
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:
wayneinkeywest on sun 29 feb 04
Hey Mel:
If you fire that kiln of yours up to about cone 13, that should
pretty much clear out the ping pong balls and the balloon. If it
doesn't blow them out the top, they'll melt for sure!
Are you sure it isn't a racoon nesting in there from lack of use?
Wayne "I have an African barking tree frog in my plumbing vent
stack" Seidl
> and, i have a balloon and some ping pong balls
> stuck in my stack. who is going to fix that?
jklay on mon 1 mar 04
Thanks. Now I know how to seal off my stack. I will put a balloon in the
entrance instead of the styrafoam plug as I have difficulty in putting into
place. John in Topeka
----- Original Message -----
From: "wayneinkeywest"
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: best software/glaze calc
> Hey Mel:
> If you fire that kiln of yours up to about cone 13, that should
> pretty much clear out the ping pong balls and the balloon. If it
> doesn't blow them out the top, they'll melt for sure!
> Are you sure it isn't a racoon nesting in there from lack of use?
> :>)
> Wayne "I have an African barking tree frog in my plumbing vent
> stack" Seidl
> > and, i have a balloon and some ping pong balls
> > stuck in my stack. who is going to fix that?
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