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pyrometer and cone 10...wayne

updated thu 4 mar 04


Karen Sullivan on wed 3 mar 04

Cones measure heat work...
time plus temperature...
so if the firing was slow the actual
real temperature as measured by a pyrometer
would be a lower temp....the actual
measuring device for a firing is in fact
the want to measure the
heat work...

I tell my students to visualize baking
cookies....all baking involves a specific
temperature and a duration of time to
have the heat affect the dough....
think soft chewey cookies -vs- hard crispy....
same thing with kilns...heat work...
the temps are more extreme....
the time can be significantly more
the temp as measured by a pyrometer
does not equal the heat work required
to mature the glazes....
the cones are the tool used to measure
heat work...
the pyrometer is just a tool to measure
temp climb...or variations in atmosphere....
I use my pyrometer to read whether my kiln
is oxidizing or reducing...a sensitive tool
for that reason.
Hope that helps....