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updated fri 5 mar 04


primalmommy on thu 4 mar 04

First - welcome, Julie Beutler, to the list! Folks, Julie is one of
those potters generous with her time/knowledge,
always happy to help me out on the phone, and they have a lot of fun
over at the 577 foundation, with
classes, workshops, new years raku parties.. once in a while we guild
members get to include some
work in one of their low fire salt firings in a kiln soldner built out

The juried show.. I drove with a pal, got hung up in Detroit traffic,
got there just in time to see the lone
person remaining -- head of the art department -- clearing away the
platters and the last of the brie..
but we got to check out the show (all by ourselves), and attended the
lecture/slide show afterwards
about art and environmental activism. It was an interesting evening. And
apparently my "core sample"
won second place, which is cool. My friend and I have a lot to talk
about which is nice because we
spent 5 hours in the car! (dark, rain, semitrucks).

It's a funny thing, achieving one's goals. I always thought my college
instructors were from some rarified
planet, mysteriously wise and qualified human beings.. by the time I was
a faculty member, sitting
through departmental meetings, I remember thinking, "this can't be too
remarkable, if they let ME in."
When I look at the core sample on its pedestal, all I see is how it
falls short of what I had envisioned
when I set out to
make it. Maybe if I had been there when people were standing around
looking at it I might have felt
differently; the head of the art department seemed quite impressed with
it. When I introduced myself,
the stoic looking man looked up and said, "I LOVE you!" and proceeded to
rave about my sculpture.
Still -- all I see is how it might have been. The upside of that is that
I am making a whole series of these
now, sketching and planning and problem solving; little ones, big ones,
conceptual ones, fired in different
ways. I have permission to put them in a gallery this fall in a the
gallery space of the local university's
environmental research station, where
geographers/biologists/limnologists/geologists actually know what
a core sample is..

My hubby came home last night with a copy of his first co-authored
scientific article.. he was half pleased,
half disillusioned. "Either I am a lot better than I thought, or this is
easier than it looks." I know exactly how
he feels. After all, I have applied to a total of one juried show and
got in. Hoping to be turned down by a few
to put it all in perspective.

Could somebody post (or re-post) the schedule for the clayart room? What
night is the get-together? When
is the cup exchange again? I want to help Phil Bison sell tools but have
to figure out what I don't want to
miss, so I'm sort of choosing my way through the NCECA schedule, but
need to figure in the clayart
room events. What else isn't listed inthe program? When is Russel's

Also: what the heck is a Randall session?

Do the slide forums (fora?) go all day, so just plan to wander in and

Roomies: Lori Leary, or some other of my roomies, could you email me
please? I can't find your email addy
and don't remember the details about the room..

OK, that's all I can think of for this one jumbled post. My little scout
just got a letter from Roly Beevor's
little scout in England, and he's quite tickled. I am going to spend the
morning making terra sig for
tonight's guild students, planting early greens in the cold frames, and
making a new massive core
sample.. robins are here, every mallard at the botanical garden has a
drake or two in pursuit, the light
is changing and the hens are laying.. I am ordering fancy chicks to
raise for friends, pheasant eggs for
the homeschoolers to hatch, heirloom garden seeds. We could still get
snow but the worst is over, and
there are days when the kids can go out in just sweatshirts, no coats.
Something about the returning
sun seems to ease the tension for people who have spent the winter in
parkas, hunched over steering
wheels on icy roads. I see more smiles.. the ground is frozen mud but
the sap is rising..

I remember the first sunny days of spring on my old college campus, when
students would stretch out in
the grass to study, play frisbee with their dogs, notice the opposite
gender in a whole new way. You could
smell the hormones wafting across the lawns.. ;0)

kelly.. looking forward to NCECA somewhat like a class reunion.. how
fast can I lose 10 pounds? I am so much better looking in my emails..

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