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decals 101 - basic questions

updated sat 13 mar 04


Carol Tripp on thu 11 mar 04

A photographer who bought some of my pots at a recent craft fair called me
to ask if I knew how to transfer a photograph on to a tile or a plate. She
thinks this might be just the thing for the local market. I had a look in
the Archives and I just want to make sure I have the correct grasp on the
issue before I call her back. And I do not want to make this complicated.

The gist is, I think :
-have a photograph made into a ceramic waterslide decal
-use Wise in Ohio or Bel Inc in Florida
-have tiles or plates already glaze fired and ready for the decals (white
glaze, ^6)
(Side question: could a box of commercial white tiles be used instead of
ones made by me?)
-soak decals, slide onto tile (detailed instructions not needed to be
reprinted here)
-dry and then fire to ^017
-no need to apply an overcoat of anything

That's it. Do I have the correct idea? (No, please, I do not want to make
the decals. This needs to stay simple.)

Thanks and I hope this gets through.

Best regards,
Dubai, UAE where the temp is set to rise to 40C (well over 100F) in the next
few days. Summer.

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Paul Lewing on thu 11 mar 04

You got it, Carol. You're exactly right on all the steps. And you can use
commercial tiles.
Paul Lewing, Seattle

Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 12 mar 04

Dear Carol,
A good source of information for processes which put photo images, and
others as well, onto a ceramic surface is Paul Scott, "Ceramics and
Print", Ceramics Skill Books, ISBN 0-86417-721-6
There is a long history of this. I have seen some wonderful examples
of portraits from the early 20th Ct
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia