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ordering books from the potters shop

updated fri 12 mar 04


Vince Pitelka on wed 10 mar 04

> I tried a search for Steve Branfman and only found an e-mail.
> I don't want to bother him for a catalog. I'm sure his life is busy
> enough. Is there a web site for the potters shop? I didn't find it.
> But I don't know where it is located either, so I might have, but
> didn't know it.

Unfortunately, the Potter's Shop doesn't have a website, but you can order
by phone. Look at available books on other sites, and then call the
Potter's Shop to order it. They will have it.

Contact information is:
Steve Branfman
781 449 7687
The Potter's Shop
31 Thorpe Rd.
Needham, MA. 02494
phone# 781-449-7687

Best wishes -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home -
Office -
615/597-6801 x111, FAX 615/597-6803