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seeking columbus '99 nceca journal article

updated sat 13 mar 04


Dave Finkelnburg on thu 11 mar 04

Tom Buck says there was a paper presented at NCECA in Columbus, Ohio in
1999 that reported on emissions from salt kilns. I am looking for a copy of
that article. If you could help me out, would you please e-mail me
off-list? Thanks!
Dave Finkelnburg

Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 12 mar 04

Dear Dave,
Look for

<This article is based on original research presented at the 1997
conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramics Arts,
held in Las Vegas, USA. The following information was presented by Wil
Shynkaruk as part of the panel entitled "Sodium Vapour Firing: A
Measure of Pleasure, A Measure of Guilt". >>

In most of the records you will find statements telling you that
Sodium Chloride dissociates into Sodium and Chlorine or something
similar. Yes, it can happen
Do the thermodynamic calculations. The equilibrium Temperature for the
reaction NaCl <=3D>Na + Cl is 2700+=BA Celsius. Temp range for Salt Glaz=
is 1100-1300=BA C
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia