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mel's book available

updated mon 22 mar 04


Maurice Weitman on sat 20 mar 04

I picked up a copy of Mel's book at NCECA. I read much of it on the
plane on the way home, and found it to be delightful and informative.

Ivor asked for publisher info: "Pottery: A Life, A Lifetime" Mel
Jacobson ISBN 1-57498-125-0 published by American Ceramic Society,
, order code CA26.


mel jacobson on sat 20 mar 04

i have had about a dozen emails asking how and where
the new book is available....esp signed copies.

i have signed 75 books for howard axner. anyone can go to his
site, or call him on monday and ask for one.
price is 29.95 bucks.

acers will always have the book. for potters council folks, 24.00 bucks.
call or go their site.

i am not selling the book privately.
i am sure other venues will have the book for sale.
it has just arrived, hot and sweaty, so it will take a few weeks to get
into the pipe line.
that is all i know.
from nceca.
my report will come on monday.
i am totally pooped.

Kenneth J. Nowicki on sun 21 mar 04

Hello Ivor,

Since I have Mel's book sitting right here next to my laptop while I read
Clayart from my hotel room at the Marriott at NCECA... I'll spare Mel a post by
relaying the information you requested...

"Pottery: A Life, A Lifetime" by Mel Jacobson

published by
The American Ceramic Society
PO Box 6136
Westerville, Ohio 43086-6136 USA

ISBN: 1-57498-125-0
Order Code: CA28

In a message dated 3/21/2004, iandol@WESTNET.COM.AU wrote:
Dear Mel,
Congratulations on being published
Could you fill in the bibliographic details please,
Publisher, ISBN etc.
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia

All the best,


"exhausted, but oh soooo happy after spending the week with my Clayart
friends... getting reacquainted with old friends... and meeting some really cool new
friends as well. Potters. What great people. I am blessed to be a part of
this gang."

Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 21 mar 04

Dear Mel,
Congratulations on being published
Could you fill in the bibliographic details please,
Publisher, ISBN etc.
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia