Earth and Fire Pottery on thu 25 mar 04
incl. kelly arm wrestling and Tom Buck practicing safe music!
Hi all
Tonight I finished getting the pics I took at NCECA up to the web site.
Check 'em out. They include kelly arm wrestling and Tom Buck and David
practicing safe music. What a dance! The dogs sure talked that night.
Some people are not identified, some may be mis-idenified, so if anyone knows who
the folks who are not identified are, or have names that don't belong to them, please let me know, and I'll post them.
There are more pics, and I will post them next week.
If anyone want to have their pictures added to this site, jpeg them to me.
Again, NCECA this year was a blast! It went by way too fast and was way too short.
There just wasn't enough time to talk to everyone!
The web address is below:
see you next year if not befrore... gregg
where it has gone from nearly 90 degrees to 52! I thought i left Indianappolis!
Gregg Allen Lindsley
Earth and Fire Pottery
Instructor - Mendocino College
Mail only: PO Box 402
Cobb, Ca. 95426
UPS etc.: 10325 Brookside Drive
Whispering Pines, Ca. 95426
e mail:
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.
PurpleLama@AOL.COM on fri 26 mar 04
incl. kelly arm wrestling and Tom Buck practici...
Thank you Gregg and everyone else with NCECA pictures. I've had a blast
looking at them. No one is ever the way I imagined them. I guess if I ever get to
go to NCECA, I may blow a few minds as well.
in Edmond, OK
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