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white slip for wood fire

updated mon 5 apr 04


Les on sun 4 apr 04

Hi -

I am trying to formulate a white slip to place on top of a temoku glaze as a decoration for some sushi sets to be fired in my wood kiln. The one I made and tried only sat on top of the temoku, dried up and fell off in pieces. Not good!

I am looking for a recipe if you care to share. It would be greatly appreciated.

Les Crimp in Nanoose Bay, B.C. where the sea lions are floating around on their backs in the sunshine and the bald eagles are soaring around looking for nice fish for lunch.

Vince Pitelka on sun 4 apr 04

> I am trying to formulate a white slip to place on top of a temoku glaze as
a decoration for some sushi sets to be fired in my wood kiln. The one I
made and tried only sat on top of the temoku, dried up and fell off in
pieces. Not good!

Les -
Why would you want to put slip on top of glaze? Bob Sperry did that at
UWash in his famous platters, where the slip crackled and separated on top
of the glaze. Unless you want that effect, than there is no reason for ever
putting slip on top of glaze. I think what you want is just an opaque white
glaze to do some trailing on top of your temmoku.
Best wishes -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,