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formula to batch tutorial?

updated tue 6 apr 04


Fara Shimbo on mon 5 apr 04

Hi, All,

Does anyone out there know of a good tutorial for calculating
formula to batch? I've tried the method in Susan Peterson's
book, and the one in Daniel Rhodes' book, and am coming up with
hugely wrong answers. Yes, I know there are programs out there
that do this for you, but none of them run on Linux yet, so I
need to do these by hand. I can do batch to formula in a trice,
but this is stumping my math-anxious brain. Help!

Fara Shimbo, Master Crystalliere, Certified Public Nuisance
Shimbo Pottery, PO Box 41, Hygiene, CO 80533 USA 720.272.0442
Crystalline-Ceramics.Info Crystallieri.Org
Klysadel.Net TuranianHorse.Org

BobWicks@AOL.COM on mon 5 apr 04

In a message dated 4/5/2004 5:06:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Does anyone out there know of a good tutorial for calculating
formula to batch?
I might be able to help you. Just give me your formula and I will show you
how to calculate the batch.

Bob Wicks, Prof Emeritus, Art/Photography
Harrisburg Area Community College