Carol Tripp on wed 7 apr 04
Hi Michael,
After you cut and slam the block 30 times, do you then spiral or bull's head
wedge or do you just cut the pieces to size for balls and throw?
Best regards,
Dubai, UAE
I really love to cut n'slam - it is so theraputic though a bit noisy.
Michael wrote, in part:
>Yesterday, Stephanie Stephenson quoted some information
>from the whiteware institute about clay uniformity and
>its role in the problems of cracking and warping.
>Wire wedging by stacking and slamming 30 doublings
>creates over 1 billion layers and is very easy on the arms,
>wrists and hands. That is how I have done it for over
>39 years and things rarely crack or warp either.
>Now I think I know why.
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Michael Wendt on wed 7 apr 04
The best way to use the clay is to leave the piece oriented so the sheets
are parallel to the wheel head. This gives the bottom no crack starting
You reorient the walls when you throw.
Cutting the block into multiples is easy too... just be sure the part placed
the wheel head is one of the slammed faces.
Michael Wendt
Wendt Pottery
2729 Clearwater Ave
Lewiston, ID 83501
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