Alex Solla on wed 7 apr 04
In my opinion, Powerpoint is getting to be the electronic equivalent of most magazines... sound bite here, tiny bit of unsupported info there. Bam, we're done. Where's the beef? All bun. For artists this could be a good thing... a nice visual tour, with very little being said. Having read many artist statements this might be a better avenue for some artists.
Which isnt to say the old fashioned lecture hall-yackity yack isnt just as bad. How many people come away from a lecture able to recall any of it. (ask a professor how many students WANT to remember ANY of it).
So, what other options have we got?
I guess it also begs the question of what does the audience want? Do they have any background? Why are they there? Do they have questions?
For all the talk about NCECA, I havent read anyone talking about Bill Cardy's talk. Hmmm. I missed it and am still kicking myself. Talked with John Neely about it at the airport while we waited for planes that never took off. Seems that Cardy has some very innovative ideas about clay body production and plasticity. Cool.
So how do you get that information out to people? How much do they really want to know? Why should they care? How will they use the info?
The questions and the audience should determine the presentation... right? If powerpoint works for that, great! If not, find another way to get the information OUT!
Reading notes from a lecture help some folks,...reading powerpoint printouts help others. BUT what other options are really out there? Ideas?
Alex Solla
Cold Springs Studio
4088 Cold Springs Road
Trumansburg, NY 14886
607-387-4042 voice/fax
Richard Aerni wrote:
>On Apr 6, 2004, at 5:28 PM, mel jacobson wrote:
>> has no one heard of
>> powerpoint? if i was running that ship, no presenter would
>> be allowed to step on stage without using powerpoint. it would
>> be mandatory.
People either love powerpoint, or hate it. My own experience with it has
been that it tends to narrow the focus of the listener to the points
explicated on the screen. This can be both good and bad. (we will leave
untouched the subject of how make an effective powerpoint
presentation...most people tend to fill the screen way too much)
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