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why powerpoint makes speakers suck- animation at nceca

updated sat 10 apr 04


Jocelyn McAuley on thu 8 apr 04

Hi David,

I agree.. . I think PowerPoint as a glorified slide projector (plus over
head projector combo) is the best way to deal with it. It seems that
the main problem is that now a speaker can force one's audience to see
their lecture notes as well.

In defense of powerpointing: you would have enjoyed Colby
Parson's-O'Keefe's powerpoint lecture during the "Under the Influence,
Digital/Elemental" panel. His work consists of a broken down animation
series that he exhibits piece by piece. For his lecture he entertained
us to no end by looping the individual images of his work at a speed
high enough to animate it. This worked magnificantly at 9 in the
morning (ahem, which is 6am for us Westcoasters).

take care

David Hendley wrote:

> If I were to do a PowerPoint presentation, I think I would just consider
> it to be a glorified slide projector.
> My PowerPoints would be heavy on the images and have very sparse,
> or even no text.