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smoke, asthma and yahoo - kelly's mentions...

updated thu 15 apr 04


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on tue 13 apr 04

Hi Kelly,

My "Remmington" Typewriter has a 'Cent' sign, but not my
little 'Toshiba'...too, it is too bad one may not overtype a
character on a Computer...

I think there is something curious with how some people as
have the Asthma affliction, may be sensitive to, or find a
severe reaction to, Cigarette smoke, ( did my Cigarettes
bother you at the 'nceca'?) while...

Friends I have had through the years, as were quite
Asthmatic, or, myself as am not severely so, themselves
smoked, and with no co-relative problems occuring from it,
or being attributed to it.

I would conjecture, as an underlying aetiology of Asthma,
that one is shy of some discrete nutrient or element or
needed co-operative molecules of interior harmony's
processes...and that the ultimate seemingly disparate
sensitivities may vary according to other secondary
imbalances or synergisms occasioned by that...

Too, for me, some smells ( certain cheap cigars for example)
are so powerfully nauseating and irritateing, I will feel
ill and have burining eyes and loose focus of vision,
experience vertigo, and even find it very hard to think or
talk, with just the smallest whiff assailing me...

el vee

----- Original Message -----
From: "primalmommy"

(clipped almost entirely for brevity's sake, or

> OK. My 2 cents. Wish the keyboard had the little "cent"
> Kelly in Ohio

Steve Slatin on tue 13 apr 04

Hi -- I can't help with asthma, but for some of you the 'cents' symbol is not a problem.
The symbol is in the current MS default character set ("Unicode", but it's not on the keyboard.

If you are in MS Word, you can click on Insert, then Symbol, and the Character Map pops up. Older versions of Word require that you cut and paste; newer versions allow you to double click on the symbol and it inserts itself where your cursor is on your document.

If you are using a different program, try (from the Start Menu) Programs/Accessories/ System Tools/Character Map. Once in the Character Map. Gobs of stuff there; click on the symbol you want, click on Select, then click Copy. In the prograIf m where you want the symbol, choose Edit – Paste to paste in.

If you're not in a Windows system, I can't help you. Unix used to have a similar program, but I don't know about Linux or MacOS. I'd bet there's a way in Macland, though -- they always had rich character sets.

-- Steve Slatin (in the department of obscure information, where today I'm babysitting some freshly poured cement)
pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET wrote:
Hi Kelly,

My "Remmington" Typewriter has a 'Cent' sign, but not my
little 'Toshiba'...too, it is too bad one may not overtype a
character on a Computer...

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th

Ivor and Olive Lewis on wed 14 apr 04

Dear Phil and Kelly,
I suggest you each hold down "Alt" and type in 0162. This may be the
symbol you are seeking.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia

Ivor and Olive Lewis on wed 14 apr 04

Forgot to add,
That's my 2 =A5 s worth as well as several =A2 s worth as well.